News and Activities of the Center "Power and Domination"

Exchange and transfer – the Bonn center regularly organizes lectures, workshops and conferences to discuss its research with international experts, to present it to an interested public and to contribute with its research results to answers to social challenges.

Neues von Macht und Herrschaft. Das Bonner Zentrum für vormoderne Ordnungen und ihre Kommunikationsformen stellt sich vor

This winter semester 2022/2023 "Power and Domination. Bonn Center for Premodern Orders and their forms of communication" is going to introduce itself through a lecture series.

You can expect exciting lectures from Matthias Becher, Matthias Haake, Hendrik Hess, Anna Kollatz, Michael Rohrschneider and Brigit Zacke.

Tuesdays, 6:15 pm in lecture hall XIII, main building of the University

The kick-off will take place on Monday, October 17th, 2022, 6:15 pm with a lecture by Matthias Becher on "Zwischen Symbiose und Antagonismus. Rulers and Elites in Pre-Modern Orders" in leture hall I. Following, we look forward to welcoming you to a celebratory reception marking the founding of the Center one year ago.

More information will follow here soon!

News from the center
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