Collaborative Research Center 1167
The Collaborative Research Center 1167 "Power and Domination - Pre-modern Configurations in Transcultural Perspective" was an interdisciplinary joint project based at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Bonn. Between 2016 and 2021, 53 members and around 20 other scholars from 15 humanities disciplines, researched pre-modern phenomena of power and domination in 20 sub-projects. They dealt with examples from Asia, Europe and northern Africa, spread over a period of more than 5,000 years.
The aim of the research with a transcultural approach was to provide the understanding of modern conditions in a globalized world with a depth dimension, to break down common narratives as well as a strict separation of 'modernity' and 'pre-modernity' and to overcome or at least level Eurocentric ways of thinking and research approaches. The CRC was part of the transdisciplinary research area (TRA) "Past Worlds - Contemporary Issues. Cultures in Time and Space" at the University of Bonn.

TP 01 Albert: Macht and Herrschaft in the novelistic wisdom literature of Castile (1250–1350) (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 02 Consensus and fidelitas: Personal and transpersonal elements of royal Macht and Herrschaft in the East Frankish-German realm (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality)
TP 03 Steppe empires in Inner Asia in a comparative perspective – Protection and practice of Herrschaft as recorded in monuments and written sources (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld C: Centre and Periphery)
TP 04 Bremer:Local practice of Herrschaft in rural areas of the Lower Rhine region from late antiquity to the high Middle Ages (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld C: Centre and Periphery)
TP 05 Brüggen: Kings and emperors. Macht and Herrschaft in medieval German literature (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 06 Conermann:Macht and Herrschaft in Indo-Persian historiographical texts from the Delhi sultanate period (1206–1526) (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 07 Aust/Dahlmann: Samoderzhcy i edinoderzhaviye: Creating the demand for centralist autocratic Herrschaft in the “time of troubles”: the Russian tsars, with special regard to the election and appointment procedures of Boris Godunov and Michail Romanov (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld C: Centre and Periphery)
TP 08 Dumitrescu: Feminine charisma. Figurations of Macht and Herrschaft in England and France (700–1500) (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 09 Kauz: Reception of delegations as an instrument of legitimisation and expression of Herrschaft (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld C: Centre and Periphery)
TP 10 Kellermann: Complaining about time out of joint. Inverted pretensions to Herrschaft in German texts of the medieval and early modern periods (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 11 Klaus: Royal Herrschaft in medieval Kashmir according to Kalhaṇa’s Rājataraṅgiṇi (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 13 Morenz: The two bodies of Horus. Royal ideology and its manifestation in the formative period of Egyptian kingship (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld C: Centre and Periphery)
TP 14 Orthmann: Imperial representation and ceremonial at the Mughal court (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality)
TP 15 Plassmann: The king as tyrant. Royal Herrschaft in England through the lens of criticism (1066–1216) (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 16 Schwermann: Securing governance through consent: The institutionalisation of political criticism in early China (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 17 Schwieger: Centre or periphery: Herrschaft between imaginary and real order in Tibetan societies exemplified through the Namgyal dynasty of Ladakh (16th–19th century) (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld C: Centre and Periphery)
TP 19 Schley/Taranczewski: Precarious divinity: The Roman emperor’s self-definition as God in relation to competing strategies of legitimising Herrschaft (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld C: Centre and Periphery)
TP 20 Vössing: Precarious divinity: The Roman emperor’s self-definition as God in relation to competing strategies of legitimising Herrschaft (Spannungsfeld A: Conflict and Consent/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 21 Wolter-von dem Knesebeck: The king as guest – House and Herrschaft in secular wall painting (Spannungsfeld C: Centre and Periphery/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
TP 22 Stieldorf: The king’s image. Macht and Herrschaft in the seals and coins of the East-Frankish and German kings and emperors (936–1250) (Spannungsfeld B: Personality and Transpersonality/Spannungsfeld D: Criticism and Idealisation)
Numerous events took place within the framework of SFB 1167, including international conferences, exhibitions, lecture series, and workshops. Detailed information can be found here:

International Conferences
The CRC 1167 organized many international conferences, the results of which were published in the series "Macht und Herrschaft".
- Macht und Herrschaft – Transkulturelle Zugänge. Internationale Auftakttagung des Sonderforschungsbereichs 1167
15.12. – 17.12.2016 - Die Macht des Herrschers – personale und transpersonale Aspekte
23.11. – 25.11.2017 - Core, Periphery, Frontier – Spatial Patterns of Power
28.03. – 30.03.2019 - Kritik am Herrscher – Möglichkeiten, Chancen, Methoden
12.04. – 14.04.2018 - Vormoderne Herrschaften zwischen Konflikt und Konsens –
Stabilität und Instabilität
07.11. – 09.11.2018 - Geschlecht macht Herrschaft
30.09. – 02.10.2019 - Herrscher und Eliten zwischen Symbiose und Antagonismus. Kommunizieren in vormodernen Herrschaftsstrukturen
17.06. – 19.06.2021
- Retreats in 2016, 2018 und 2019

- 2016: Vom doppelten Horus. Königsideologische Arbeit in der formativen Phase des ägyptischen Königtums und ihre Inszenierung
- 2017: Wadi Ameyra - Ein proto- und frühdynastisches Inschriftentableau im Südwest-Sinai
- 2018: Crafting Power & Emergence of Kingship - Konzepte und Praxs von Arbeit im prä- und frühdynastische Ägypten
- 2019: Kaiserliche Pharaonen – Pharaonische Kaiser. Die Herrschaft der frühen Principes zwischen Republik und Königtum

About 40 workshops were organized by subprojects as well as by working groups. The results of several workshops were published in the series "Studien zu Macht und Herrschaft".
A special highlight was the workshop with Prof. Dr. Dorothee Kimmich on "Ähnlichkeit als kulturtheoretisches Paradigma?", which was accompanied by a public evening lecture and subsequent panel discussion.
Series of publications
All series published within the SFB 1167 can be found here.